Shounen HoukokushoChapter 1
Comedy Shounen ai

Harumi is living with his lover, Ryouichi, and his son, Shuu. The three of them are having a happy every-day life when someone came to talk about a marriage interview for Harumi?!This is a oneshot manga that serves as an extra story of the popular novel, “Love Certificate (Renai Shoumeisho),” also written by Sakiya Haruhi with illustrations by the same Machiko Madoka.

Hikari no Machi (MACHIKO Madoka)Chapter 0
Shounen ai

Koudaka Atsurou was just standing on the bridge looking at the lights, he didn't expect to be tackled by a construction worker who thinks he's suicidal. Trying to come to terms with his estranged father's death, Koudaka contemplates the roads in life people choose.